Train the Trainer

Become a licensed Think on Your Feet® Trainer!

“You know you are making a difference when you teach this workshop.”

– Susan Lynne, Master Trainer for Think on Your Feet International, Inc. 

Train your own instructors through corporate accreditation. We can train individuals within your own company to deliver Think on Your Feet® after completing our accreditation and licensing process. Many of our clients use Think on Your Feet® as part of their on-boarding program for new hires, or use it to complete Professional Development Units (PDUs) as required by their field.

This four-day process is the most effective way to bring these structured communication techniques to your workplace.

The accreditation process is as follows:

  • PART 1 – Attend Think on Your Feet® as a delegate – 2 Days
  • PART 2 – Training For Trainers event – 2 days

This program is designed for experienced corporate and trainers representing their organization for in-house sessions. Independent Trainers and Consultants cannot acquire rights to distribute any workshops unless they are contracted by McLuhan & Davies Communications, Inc/Think on Your Feet International, Inc.

After this initial Trainer Accreditation, the trainer simply orders workbooks from Think on Your Feet International, Inc. In addition to this, the trainer receives constant updates about developments from the international trainer network.

Training your corporate trainers, is the most cost effective way to bring Think on Your Feet® techniques into your organization.

An in-house workshop is ideal for training teams and departments. They are the easiest way of training many delegates, making the most of your budget and reducing the need for costly delegate travel. On-site workshops will teach your entire team how to communicate together more effectively.

Join our global network of over 100 distributors, partners and trainers who enrich lives with Think on Your Feet®. To learn more about the workshop and some of its benefits and advantages, watch the video below:

Once approved, each candidate will be required to sign an Accreditation Agreement with McLuhan & Davies Communications/Think on Your Feet International, Inc. The accreditation process is broken down into two phases:

  • PHASE 1 – Attend our globally acclaimed Think on Your Feet® workshop in a two-day  workshop session
  • PHASE 2 – Trainer Accreditation Event – 2 days 
    • If this date does not work for you, we can coordinate a dedicated accreditation session that fits your schedule.

Click below to dive deeper into our accreditation program and what to expect during the process:

The accreditation process starts after you’ve participated in the workshop. Trainers typically become familiar with the course by attending a public workshop, or participating in a workshop delivered within their organization.
We will provide you with a trainer’s manual that contains the workshop design and step-by-step instructions and tips on how to run the workshop smoothly. We also provide you with the slides integral to the design and delivery of the workshop.
We pair you up with one of our Master Trainers who will coach you on the Think On Your Feet® concepts. Here, you’ll practice your delivery, receive feed back and one-on-one coaching.
Time to put your skills to the test. You’ll be delivering Think on Your Feet® to your Master Trainer and receive teaching tips on how to facilitate aspects of the workshop. Here, you’ll learn how to handle participants’ questions, provide feedback and how to meet the needs of your audience.


Once you have taken Think on Your Feet®, you are required to attend a two-day Accreditation Event.

Many of our candidates coordinate one-on-one coaching with a Think on Your Feet® Master Trainer, while others prefer to attend a public accreditation workshop with other accreditation candidates.

Think on Your Feet International, Inc. offers public accreditation workshops in North America and in select global cities.

However, our accreditation process is not limited to North American trainers. We also provide Corporate Accreditation with our global partners and distributors.

If your company/organization is outside North America, contact us directly and we’ll connect you with a local distributor who can get you started with the process.